Journal of Technology Studies 2024

Khatira Ismailova

Institute of Petrochemical Processes named acad. Y.H.Mammadaliyev


Improvement of Devices in the Development of Catalytic Cracking Process in Azerbaijan



The catalytic cracking process was first applied on an industrial scale in 1936 and has been an important process in the oil refining industry of many countries since then.

Among the catalytic processes proposed for the processing of oil fractions in Azerbaijan, the catalytic cracking process occupies one of the first places due to its importance.

The achievements achieved in the catalytic cracking process in the late 20th and early 21st centuries are determined by 88 years of development experience, technical and economic indicators of the market economy and oil refining enterprises. This fact requires constant improvement of the technology of the process and catalysts in order for it to take a comprehensive place among the oil refining processes and become multi-directional.

The development of the catalytic cracking process in industry is based, first of all, on the fundamental work of the Russian scientists in the field of catalytic conversion of hydrocarbons, which belongs to the school of academician N.D.Zelinsky and academician S.V.Lebedev. These works include the work of S.V. Lebedev and his students in the field of contact-catalytic polymerization and depolymerization of olefins on active aluminosilicates, the work of N.D.Zelinsky and other leading scientists of his school on the development of theoretical problems of catalysis .

L.G.Gurvich, S.V.Lebedev  N.D.Zelinsky's research gave rise to the practical application of aluminosilicate catalysts in the conversion of hydrocarbons. These works were carried out before the first works on the catalytic cracking process on natural and synthetic aluminosilicates were published abroad.

The rapid development of the catalytic cracking process has created conditions for the successful combination of a wide range of processing capabilities for a wide range of raw materials, from light distillate fractions in the process to heavy vacuum gas oils and even residual fractions of oil. The results of research on the development of catalytic cracking systems with rising catalyst flow at the Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after academician Y.H. Mammadaliyev of ANAS (NKPI) were first presented at the Ufa All-Union meeting in July 1963.

The first monograph devoted to this issue was published in 1966 (Aliyev, Rustamov, Pryanikov, 1966). This monograph describes the scientific foundations of catalytic cracking in direct and partially counterflow systems, the indicators of the catalytic cracking process in various modified systems with rising flow.

Based on the research conducted by scientists of the National Research Institute of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, information is provided on the reconstruction of catalytic cracking units with finely dispersed catalysts at the refinery using direct and partially counterflow reactors.

In 1982, academicians Aliyev V.S., Rustamov M.I. Pryanikov E.I. received the Azerbaijan State Prize for the application of the two-stage catalytic cracking process of oil raw materials to industry (Aliyev, Rustamov, Pryanikov, 1966: 5-15).

Keywords: Catalytic cracking process, oil wells, fluidized bed, small-dispersed catalyst, catalytic cracking units, improvement of catalytic cracking units

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