Journal of Technology Studies 2024

Agashirin Guliyev

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Ph.D in Chemistry


Modern Technologies for the Treatment and Disposal of Wastewater Generated in the Oil Refining Industry



The oil refining industry currently plays a major role in the economy of our state. Unfortunately, the processes of oil production, processing, transportation, and storage are always accompanied by the release of hydrocarbons that pollute the environment. Oil refining and petrochemical plants are among the largest polluters of the environment.

The enterprises of this industry pollute the air, water bodies, and soil, negatively affecting the ecological situation of Baku, Absheron, and Sumgait. In terms of wastewater discharge, these enterprises are the largest source of pollution of water bodies. Therefore, one of the most important problems of the oil-producing and oil-refining sectors is the problem of protecting the production environment and the environment. The oil refining industry is rightfully attributed to the sectors that bear the greatest responsibility for public health. Oil refineries discharge the main part of wastewater into water bodies.

Wastewater of oil refineries mainly contains oil pollution. During the oil refining production and its development at these plants, wastewater is enriched with a number of water-soluble polar compounds: organic acids, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, and hydroxy acids. The purification of these wastewaters to the parameters provided by the currently applied regulatory requirements and traditional methods is economically expensive. In addition, in some cases, high pollution of water used in technological processes causes significant economic losses, which in most cases are irreversible.

In this regard, issues such as the assessment of wastewater treatment methods at oil refineries, the study of wastewater treatment methods at oil refineries, the introduction of a new type of wastewater treatment, and the calculation of the proposed treatment method are among the urgent problems of environmental protection and ecology. Therefore, the analysis of the impact of oil refining complex enterprises on the environment is important. Thus, the topic of the presented article is relevant.

Keywords:  wastewater, oil refining, technology, methods, cleaning

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