
The authors of the article must be those who have made a significant contribution to the research work. Only those who actively participate in the preparation of scientific research should be among the authors.


Authorship Criteria

The criteria for authorship are based on the following:

  • Development and planning of the research concept
  • Research execution and data analysis
  • Writing of the article and approval of its final form
  • The order of authorship must be agreed with all authors and this should be clearly stated in the article.

Conflict of Interest

The international scientific journal "Journal of Economics" is committed to the principles of reliable scientific research and transparency. For this reason, authors, editors, and reviewers should clearly declare their conflicts of interest. Conflicts of interest are situations where personal, financial, or other interests may influence publication decisions. All parties must adhere to the following rules to avoid such situations:

1. Authors: Authors must declare any personal or financial interests that could affect the preparation or publication of the research work. This information should be included in the submitted manuscript or in the cover letter submitted to the editorial office.

2. Editors: Editors must declare any personal or professional relationships with authors that might affect their objectivity, and should recuse themselves from participating in the evaluation process if such relationships exist.

3. Reviewers: If reviewers detect any conflicts of interest in the manuscripts they review, they must immediately inform the editorial board and redirect the review to another reviewer.

4. Appropriate Measures: To prevent conflicts of interest and avoid unethical behavior, the journal will implement measures in accordance with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

5. Disclosure: Information about conflicts of interest will be disclosed when necessary, and readers will be informed about such situations when the article is published.


Plagiarism and Research Misconduct

Plagiarism refers to the use of other individuals' work and ideas without proper citation. Authors must ensure that their submitted manuscript is original and that all sources are correctly cited. Research misconduct includes falsification of data, presentation of false results, or includes other unethical behaviors. Such violations, if detected, will be addressed with appropriate measures.


Data Confidentiality 

Research data must be kept confidential to protect privacy. The confidentiality of research results and the protection of participants' identities must be ensured. Only appropriate and authorized persons are allowed access to research data.


Publication Ethics

Articles published in "Journal of Economics" an international scientific journal, directly reflect the quality of the work of the authors and their supporting institutions. It is essential that all parties involved in the publication process, including authors, journal editors, and reviewers, adhere to ethical standards. Principles of integrity and transparency must be maintained throughout the publication process. Accurate and complete presentation of research and publications is crucial. The journal’s ethical guidelines are based on the best practice principles outlined in the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) Editorial Guidelines.


Guidelines for Sensitive Participants

Safety and Data Protection: The protection and adherence to safety standards of sensitive participants' data must be ensured. This includes participants such as elderly individuals, children, those receiving medical treatment, and other vulnerable groups. Confidentiality of personal information must be maintained, and compliance with relevant legislation must be ensured.

Informed Consent: Informed consent must be obtained from sensitive participants, ensuring they understand the research purpose, procedures, risks, and benefits. Consent forms should allow participants to make decisions freely and without coercion.

Support and Care: Special support and care should be provided to sensitive participants. Researchers must take measures to ensure the physical and psychological well-being of participants.

Ethical Conduct of Research: It should be ensured that the research work is conducted in accordance with ethical standards, and all ethical principles related to vulnerable participants should be observed.

Protection of Rights: The rights of vulnerable participants must be protected and the well-being of participants must be a priority during the research process.




Article Submission Process

Articles can be submitted to the editorial office in two forms:

Through the online system

From the "Submit an article" section available on the journal's website (

Via e-mail

By e-mail addresses and


Peer Review Process

In the "Journal of Economics" international scientific journal, the evaluation of articles is conducted based on a double-blind peer review process. In this process, the identities of both the authors and reviewers are kept confidential, ensuring objective and fair assessment.

Submission and Initial Review: After an article is submitted to the editorial office, it undergoes an initial review by the editorial team. During this phase, the article’s relevance to the journal’s scope and compliance with the basic requirements are assessed.

Reviewer Assignment: Articles that pass the initial review are sent anonymously to appropriate experts for review. The selection of reviewers is based on the subject matter of the article.

Review and Feedback: Reviewers evaluate the articles based on scientific contribution, originality, methodological accuracy, and the reliability of the presented results, and provide recommendations or corrections if necessary.

Decision Making: Based on the reviewers’ feedback, the editorial team makes a decision regarding the acceptance, revision, or rejection of the article. The final decision on the article is confirmed by the relevant editor.

Revisions and Resubmission: If revisions are required, authors must implement the proposed changes and resubmit the article to the editorial office. 

Publication of Accepted Articles: Articles go through editing and formatting stages before being submitted for publication. Accepted articles are made ready for publication and printed on the journal's website. 


Publication Fees

Publication of articles is subject to a fee, which is collected from authors after the manuscript has been accepted. Adherence to relevant instructions ensures that payments are made promptly and accurately. Payments are processed via Visa Card. Authors facing financial difficulties are offered discounts on publication fees. For questions regarding the payment amount, please contact us using the details below:


Mob.: +994 50 209 59 68


Open Access Policy

The international scientific journal "Journal of Economics" operates under an Open Access Policy and is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. This policy ensures that all articles are freely and easily accessible, promoting the wider dissemination of scientific research on a global scale.



All articles published in the journal are licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license. This license allows for non-commercial use of the authors' work while requiring proper attribution to the original author. Articles are available in full text on the journal’s website at no charge. Users can read and download the articles but must refrain from any commercial use. The full text of the articles is published in the Archives section of the journal's official website (