Journal of MEDICINE-24
International Scientific Journal
DOI: 10.36719
The journal covers medical sciences
The journal operates in English
As "Azerbaijan Science Center" is a member of "Crossref" organization
DOI: 10.36719 is assigned to the articles, conference materials and thesis collections published in the center.
The authors are awarded an International Certificate by "Azerbaijan Science Center".
Article publishing requirements
• Article format: The article should be written in A4 format, size 14, with 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman font, 2 cm space should be left at the bottom, top, right and left sides of the page.
• The length of the article: Should be between 7-25 pages.
• Author: The author's name and surname (e.g., Azar Imanov), full name of the institution where he/she works, academic degree, ORCID ID, e-mail address and phone number should be listed on the right side before the title of the article. The author who is continuing his/her education should indicate that he/she is a bachelor, master or doctoral student according to the level of education. The author, who is not currently studying or working, should only mention the name of the city and country where he/she lives.
• Abstract: It should be written in English, containing 150-250 words.
• Keywords: No less than 5 words should be written in English.
• Introduction
• Research
• Conclusion
• References: The reference list must be written in English, in alphabetical order, with no less than 12 sources.
• Reference to the book: The author's last name, first initial, the year of publication of the book in parentheses, the name (in italics) and the name of the publisher should be listed in that order.
Example: Rustamov, R. (2009). Medical genetics. Azerbaijan Medical University.
• Reference to the journal: The author's surname, first initial, publication year of the article in parentheses, name, title of the journal (in italics), volume (issue), page spacing, and DOI of the article should be listed in that order.
Example: Gasimov, E. (2020). Morphological characterization of changes in the structures of arterioles and muscular venules involved in the nutrition of the testicle during cryptorchidism. Nature and Science, 01(02), 6-13.
Reference to the Internet resource: Author's last name, first initial, the publication year of the article in parentheses, month, day, article title (in italics), website name and URL should be listed in that order.
Example: Huseyn, E. (2020, May 20). Application of deep learning technology in diagnosis of diseases.
• Reference to the book prepared by the author: The author's last name, initials, the word "editor" in parentheses, the year of publication, the title of the book (in italics) and the name of the publisher should be listed in that order.
Example: Mammadov, A. (editor). (2022). Basic concepts of medicine. Baku Medical Publishing House.
References within the article should be written in two forms: if the source is referred to in general, without indicating the page number (e.g., Imanov, 2023), if multiple pages are specifically referenced, with the page number indicated (e.g., Imanov, 2023, p. 55).
Payment is required for publishing
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