Sevinj Ahmadova
Azerbaijan Medical University
Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine
Vafa Nasirova
Azerbaijan Medical University
Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine
Characteristic Clinical and Laboratory Features of the Course
of Mycotic Lesions of the Visual Organ
In the article, brief information on the characteristic clinical and laboratory features of the course of mycotic lesions of the visual organ. The population of Baku is characterized by a worldwide trend ̶ an increase with a very strong positive correlation connection (γ=+0,88 ± 0,10) as the age of the examined frequency of infection of their eye organs is increased by pathogenic fungi ̶ from 8,9 ± 2,5 % to 32,6 ± 4,0 % of cases (χ2=51,88; р<0,001). For the first time detected patients with my were registered 91 people (67,4 ± 4,0 %), with repeated recurrent diseases ̶ 44 people (32,6 ± 4,0 %). The algorithm for diagnosis of patients with eye mycosis should include the evaluation of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant protection systems to correctly assess compensatory capabilities of the body in order to choose the method of correcting metabolic disorders. It is recommended to include the most informative indicators characterizing the state of cellular immunity and phagocytic activity neutrophils.
Keywords: mycotic infections, eye mycoses, polymerase chain reaction, diagnostics, etiological structure, fungal keratitis