Adil Balıyev
Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
PhD in pedagogical
“Azerbaijani Language” Texts as a Means of Forming Communicative Competence
The article compares the texts in modern “Azerbaijani language” textbooks with the texts in traditional textbooks and examines the possibilities of forming communicative competence in students in text work. For this, first of all, such concepts as text, tektology, oral and written forms of the text, volume, content, structure, composition and construction of the text, linguo-didactic conditions of text selection, parts that make up the text, text situations that are relevant to the interests of students, etc. are clarified, and the issues of the impact of content standards implemented in text work on communicative skills are analyzed. It is shown that the correct construction of text work improves students' communicative, cognitive and aesthetic skills in a positive sense, forms their general speech culture. It is argued that what forms communicative skills is not the volume of the text, the abundance of information, but the organization of work on content lines, the transition from texts to language rules on an integrative basis. The most important thing is that the teacher must first fully understand the text in the teaching process and eliminate any problems that may arise in a timely manner.
Keywords: modern textbook, content and structure of the text, conditions for text selection, forms of the text, construction and composition of the text, communicative competence