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The international scientific journal "Nature & Science" is a peer-reviewed, open-access scientific publication that publishes original and high-quality scientific articles in agricultural sciences, biological sciences and chemical science. The journal publishes 12 issues per year. Since 2024, the journal has been operating online in English.

As a platform for the global scientific community, the journal is intended for scientists, researchers, experts, Ph. D. students, master students, teachers, and students in relevant fields to share and disseminate their scientific research results and achievements in science.



The primary goal of the international scientific journal "Nature & Science" is to contribute to the global advancement of scientific knowledge by publishing new research that meets international standards. By supporting open-access scientific research, the journal aims to facilitate the exchange of scientific ideas and foster scientific collaborations.



The scope of the journal includes the following scientific fields:

Agricultural Sciences: Food production, safety, quality and food preservation, agriculture, plant breeding, animal husbandry, soil science, agroecology, application of biotechnology in agriculture, irrigation systems, agrarian economics, agricultural management, etc. scientific studies related to the fields.

Biological Sciences: Study of living organisms, ecology, genetic research, molecular biology, cell biology, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, biological aspects of the environment, etc. scientific studies related to the fields.

Chemistry: Analytical, organic, inorganic and physical chemistry, chemical engineering etc. scientific studies related to the fields.

The journal adheres to international publishing ethics standards and rigorous peer review processes to ensure the quality and reliability of the scientific research it publishes.