Nazrin Rustambayova
Baku State University
PhD in economics
Problems of Migration in the Process of Development of
National Human Capital
External migration in modern economy causes asymmetry in the formation of human capital and its development. One of the most significant aspects of this asymmetry is the migration of high-skilled human capital with high indicators of intellectual abilities. Negative aspects of such migration are much more that the level of profitability of the working in another labor market. Migration itself implies costs, as an emigrant invests in moving, searching for information about labor markets abroad, learning or improving a foreign language. All of them can be characterized as costs of migration, which are sacrificed for the sake of obtaining a more profitable, highly paid job in the future.
These processes take place in the companies too. Human capital begins to act as a component of competition in the national economy, as an employee migrating from one firm reduces its potential, but at the same time increases the potential of another firm. In the international sphere, the asymmetry of costs of formation and realization of human capital associated with migration becomes even more serious, as it affects macroeconomic performance and competitiveness of countries.
Keywords: human capital, migration, asymmetry, mobility, virtual migration, brain drain