Aytən Habil qızı Əliyeva
Azərbaycan Dövlət Mədəniyyət  və İncəsənət Universiteti 


Açar sözlər: turizm, Azərbaycanda turizm, turizm bazarı, turizm xidmətləri, turizmin inkişafı

Formation and development trends of the tourism services market in Azerbaijan
Various studies show that tourism occupies a key place among the non-oil sectors. In modern times, tourism is one of the fastest growing business areas in the world. Although tourism is considered a young area after independence, the history of Tourism traditions in our country is old. The development of tourism in Azerbaijan dates back to 1970-1980. There is a favorable geographical position for the development of tourism in Azerbaijan, cultural monuments, hospitality, national traditions, rich cuisine, etc. The achievements in the field of tourism in Azerbaijan in the last 10-15 years have been achieved thanks to the work of the president of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev. Today, our country pays attention to the development of tourism, as well as to the creation of cooperation in the international arena in the field of Tourism.

Key words: tourism, tourism in Azerbaijan, tourism market, tourism services, development of tourism

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