Elza Hasanli 

Azerbaijan State Agricultural University



The earth is a living organism. Over the past decades, it has been going through difficult trials due to the active development of agriculture. Various types of soil degradation are becoming a serious problem: from salinization to desertification. Many regions in different countries face them. This process is associated with the deterioration of soil quality and a decrease in their fertility. If previously only mechanical load was considered the main cause of soil degradation, now experts note the negative impact. The problem of soil degradation develops due to various factors: Physical factors such as rainfall, runoff, floods, cultivation and mass movements play an important role in the occurrence of various types of soil erosion, especially water and wind (Volkov, 2016: 57-67).

And as a result, they lead to the loss of the fertile top layer, which negatively affects the quality of the soil. Biological factors depend on the activities of people and living organisms, including plants. Mainly they reduce microbial activity of the soil. Some types of protozoa, bacteria and fungi, have a negative impact, which leads to a decrease in crop yields and soil productivity. Also, inappropriate farming practices and other human activities can deplete nutrients in the soil. Overgrazing:

  1. Herds require large pastures. Overworking of pastures leads to the loss of the fertile layer, which reduces the soil's ability to filter water and impedes plant growth. The accumulation of animal waste products in fields also leads to soil deterioration and greenhouse gas emissions in the long term (Sulin, 2015: 320).

Use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides:

2. Fertilizers help adjust crop yields, and pesticides help control pests and pathogens, but their excessive use upsets the balance of microorganisms in the soil and stimulates the development of harmful pathogens. As soil deteriorates, the risk of water erosion increases as precipitation washes toxic chemicals out of the soil, carrying them into rivers and lakes. Fertilizers and pesticides lead to the loss of the top fertile layer of the soil (Bogolyubov, 2013: 4-10).

Due to the lack of plant diversity and soil life, the soil becomes loose and turns to dust.Soil degradation is a set of processes that lead to changes in soil functions, quantitative and qualitative deterioration of its properties, gradual deterioration and loss of fertility.   The causes of degradation are inefficient use of water for irrigation, leading to soil salinization, overgrazing, reducing and degrading the soil layer (blowing out the humus horizon), unjustified use of chemicals that cause soil and water pollutionThe process of desertification in ecological terms is one of the causes of loss of biodiversity, loss of biomass and productivity, and in socio-economic terms, this process is the main cause and mechanism of loss of fertile lands, generates economic and political instability in the affected regions, leads to a drop in incomes and living standards of the population, a decrease in the number of jobs, which, in particular ultimately, this leads to migration of the population.

Keywords: degradation, steppe zone, seed, pastures dryland, climate phytomelioration   

Elza Həsənli 

Azərbaycan Dövlət Aqrar Universiteti 

Otlaqların deqradasiyasi probleminin həlli yolu


Torpağın deqradasiyası torpağın funksiyalarının dəyişməsinə, xassələrinin kəmiyyət və key­fiyyətcə pisləşməsinə, tədricən pisləşməsinə və məhsuldarlığın itirilməsinə səbəb olan proseslərin məcmusudur. Deqradasiyanın səbəbləri suvarma üçün suyun səmərəsiz istifadəsi, torpağın şoranlaşması, mal-qaranın həddindən artıq otarılması, torpaq qatının azalması və deqradasiyası (humus üfüqünün yuyulması), torpaq və suyun çirklənməsinə səbəb olan kimyəvi maddələrin əsassız istifadəsidir. Ekoloji baxımdan səhralaşma prosesi biomüxtəlifliyin itirilməsinin, biokütlə və məhsuldarlığın itirilməsinin səbəblərindən biridir və sosial-iqtisadi baxımdan bu proses münbit torpaqların itirilməsinin əsas səbəbi və mexanizmidir, təsirlənmiş bölgələrdə iqtisadi və siyasi qeyri-sabitlik yaradır, tənəzzülə səbəb olur.

Açar sözlər: deqradasiya, çöl zonası, toxum, otlaq, quru torpaqlar, iqlim fitomeliorasiya

Baxış: 139