Journal of Technology Studies 2024

Samadaga Rizvanli

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Master student


Basic Technologies for Emergency Management



In our modern era, emergencies are inevitable. Emergency situations are situations that have arisen in a certain area as a result of military operations, accidents, natural or other disasters that may or have caused human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and disruption of people's living conditions.

In order to manage emergencies and take adequate measures against them, they are classified according to their types, types, scale, severity of consequences, as well as other characteristics. When we look at the development of human society, it becomes clear that emergencies have occurred in all historical periods. Historical facts show that most emergencies have resulted in disruption of life, numerous human deaths, serious changes in the natural world, and great damage to people and the environment. In the early stages of human society, emergencies were mainly natural in nature and were associated with spontaneous disasters.

All types of emergencies go through 4 stages (phases) in their development:

1. The emergence and accumulation of circumstances that differ from the normal situation or state. This situation can last for several days, months, and in some cases - for years and decades.

2. Initiating the situation that is the basis of the emergency.

3. The process of the occurrence of an emergency - this is the process of releasing risk factors (energy or matter) that negatively affect the population, objects, and the environment.

4. The stage of reduction, extinction - the reduction of the impact of residual factors of the emergency that has occurred. This stage covers the period from the prevention (reduction) and localization of the source of danger to the complete elimination of its consequences. The duration of this stage can last for years.

Keywords:  emergencies, human, safety, management, event


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