Ismail Mursalov
Nakhchivan State University
Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy
Performers of Folk Instruments in the Development of Azerbaijani Musical Culture
The founder of modern musical culture in Azerbaijan in the 20th century, the great composer and musicologist Uzeyir Hajibeyli played a great role in the development of musical creativity, performance, music education and science, in the application of the notation system in folk instruments and the creation of an orchestra. It is noteworthy that in his articles dedicated to Azerbaijani musical culture, along with all areas of music, he characterized folk instruments. U. Hajibeyli's articles "A Look at the Musical Life of Azerbaijan", "Oriental Music and Western Musical Instruments", "Interpretation of Western Scholars on Oriental Music", "Musical Progress in Azerbaijan" (Baku, 1965) and other articles expressed valuable ideas about the existing folk instruments in Azerbaijan.
U. Hajibeyli played a great role in the development of musical culture. The creation of a direct music education system, as well as the organization of a folk instrument orchestra and other musical groups were the fruits of U. Hajibeyli's activities in this field. In the studies on the life and work of U. Hajibeyli, his activity in this field and his connection with musical culture have been highlighted.
The study of Azerbaijani folk musical instruments has been reflected in the scientific studies of a number of musicologists-scholars.
In the studies of musicologist-scholars Saadat Abdullayeva, devoted to folk musical instruments, information on the development of folk musical instruments and the performance of folk dances in the territory of Azerbaijan in the ancient and medieval periods, as well as notes of instrumental music samples performed by various instruments, attract attention:
Of course, oral traditions have been preserved in folk musical performance today, in parallel with this, teaching by notes has become widespread, and mainly the teaching of composers' works is carried out by notes.
The development of musical culture required the expansion of the fields of composition and performance, and the systematization of musical education. In this regard, the establishment of the Azerbaijan State Conservatory in 1921, as well as the establishment of secondary specialized music schools, music technical schools, and children's music schools in Baku and major cities and regions of the republic, are important steps towards resolving this issue.
Keywords: Azerbaijan, mugham, music, singer, art of singing