2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Arxiv
DOI: 10.36719/2707-1146/07/19-21
Nərgiz Firuz qızı Həkimova
AMEA Torpaqşünaslıq və Aqrokimya İnstitutu
aqrar elmlər üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru, dosent


Açar sözlər: neft, çirklənmiş torpaq, torpaqların təmizlənməsi, model

Block of reclamation measures of oil-contaminated gray-brown soils of Absheron peninsula
Soil science has been closely related to modeling since its inception. The structure of soil models based on various soil parameters has been widely used in the scientific literature. Academician G.Sh.Mammadov is one of the first authors of scientific-research works in the field of fertility modeling in Azerbaijan. He has done various work in the field of certification of fertility indicators of different soil types of the republic. for the first time in our lands we have developed an ecological model of oil fields in the Absheron Peninsula. The soil used as a model is light and medium clayey gray-brown soil contaminated with ordinary oil. 
The experience gained in the field of oil pollution and elimination of its consequences shows that it is possible to objectively assess the polluted ecosystem, as well as to take measures to clean up contaminated soils and restore fertility.
Key words: oil, contaminated soil, land reclamation 

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