2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Arxiv
Sevda Adilkom qızı Həsənova
Bakı Dövlət Universiteti
biologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru, dosent
Gülşən Çərkəz qızı Süleymanova
Bakı Dövlət Universiteti
biologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru, dosent
Sevinc Məhi qızı Quliyeva
Bakı Dövlət Universiteti
biologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru, müəllim
Mehnurə Misir qız Rəhimova
Bakı Dövlət Universiteti
biologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru, müəllim
Aygün Siyabənd qızı Cəfərzadə
Bakı Dövlət Universiteti


Açar sözlər: bakteria, gümüş nanohissəciklər, Bacillus spkultural maye, biokütlə

The study the formation of silver nanoparticles by bacteria of the genus Bacillus
Nanotechnology studies materials with a size of 1-100 nm. Various microorganisms (bacteria, fungi. actinomycetes and others) are involved in the synthesis of nanoparticles in a biological way. Nanoscale materials are important as new antimicrobials due to their unusual physical and chemical properties - the activity of intracellular and extracellular enzymes plays a key role in the synthesis of nanoparticles by microorganisms.
Was studied the ability of Bacillus sp strains to formation of silver nanoparticles. During the study, silver nitrate solution was added to biomass and culture medium of Bacillus sp.l, sp.2, sp.3. It was found that the culture medium of the Bacillus sp. l strain capableof producing silver nanoparticles, but the biomass does not have the property of forming silver nanoparticles. Its ability to form silver nanoparticles was detected by staining reaction medium in a dark color. However, the ivestigation the ability to formation silver nanoparticles by strains Bacillus sp2 and Bacillus sp3 showed that they cannot biosynthesis the silver nanoparticles.
Was investigated the morpho-cultural features of the bacterial strain Bacillus sp.l. Was shown that Bacillus sp.l strain belonged to Bacillus cereus specie. 
Key words: bacteria, silver nanoparticles, Bacillus sp, culture fluid, biomass 

MƏQALƏNİ YÜKLƏ [212,75 Kb] (yüklənib: 25)

Baxış: 502
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