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Könül Xosrov qızı Məcnunlu Musabəyli
Bakı Dövlət Universiteti
Açar sözlər: Qrunt suları, minerallaşma dərəcəsi, duzların toplanması, suvarılan torpaqlar, drenləşmə dərəcəsi

Status of land use in Mil-Aran Karabakh cadastral region
Mil-Aran Karabakh cadastral region includes Barda, Agjabadi, Beylagan, Tartar regions as a whole, Aghdam, Aghdara region and Khojavend plain lands. Gray-meadow, meadow-forest, subasar alluvial meadow, gray, meadow-swamp, chestnut, meadow-chestnut soils are spread in the territory of this cadastral region. 
Grass-gray soils are transitional and are distributed in the strip between the gray-brown (chestnut) and meadow gray-brown (chestnut) soils of the dry steppes and the gray soils growing in drier conditions. Very large areas of the described lands are used for irrigated agriculture. 
The subasar regime of rivers and the resulting fresh alluvial sediments play a key role in the formation of subasar meadow-forest soils. During the autumn season, especially during floods, the rhythm of soil formation is repeatedly disrupted. This, of course, is reflected in the properties and morphological structure of these soils. Areas with gray soils have an arid semi-desert and dry steppe climate with an average annual temperature of 13.5-14.60. The temperature of the hot months is much higher. Unlike subasar meadow-forest lands of our republic, subasar-meadow soils are formed under meadows and shrubs. Rich grasses play an important role in enriching these soils with organic matter and ash elements. Meadow-swamp lands are spread in a relatively limited area of the republic. These soils are usually formed in the low and lowlands of the relief. The ecological and geographical features of the meadow-brown soils are in many respects similar to those of the brown soils. However, hydrothermal conditions are distinguished by the large seasonal differences, additional moisture due to surface and ground moisture. Our area is subject to varying degrees of salinization and erosion. We know that saline soils are lands with salts that are easily soluble in water in a 2-meter layer of soil. The effect of groundwater on soil salinization also depends on the degree of mineralization of that water. In this case, the crisis rate of groundwater mineralization is taken.
Key words: Groundwater, mineralization rate,salt accumulation, irrigated soils, drainage rate

MƏQALƏNİ YÜKLƏ [150,09 Kb] (yüklənib: 24)

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