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Akşay Cavad oğlu İbrahimov
Bitki Mühafizə və Texniki Bitkilər Elmi-Tədqiqat İnstitutu
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Bitki Mühafizə və Texniki Bitkilər Elmi-Tədqiqat İnstitutu
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Ramik Emil oğlu Kərəvəliyev
Bitki Mühafizə və Texniki Bitkilər Elmi-Tədqiqat İnstitutu
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Günay Rövşən qızı Mehdiyeva
Bitki Mühafizə və Texniki Bitkilər Elmi-Tədqiqat İnstitutu
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Açar sözlər: günəbaxan, gübrə, torpaq, məhsuldarlıq, norma, səmərəlilik 

Influence of various phosphorus fertilizer norms to development and yield of sunflower
Maintaining plants with the necessary nutrient elements when growing agricultural crops has a positive role in increasing yield. One of significant nutrient elements that are an important element in plant’s life is phosphorus. It improves formation of fruit elements and takes an active part in photosynthetic processes. But its influence directly in the different technical crops’ nutrition hasn’t properly studied. The main aim of the article’s content is devoted to this problem.
Having favorable conditions of grey-brown soils of Ganja-Kazakh zone for cultivation sunflower make it actual growing this plant in this zone. In the article it is described influence of various norms of phosphorus fertilizers to grows, development and yield of sunflower. The highest yield was obtained in the variant of introduction fertilizers in the norm 10 t of manure + N90P120K50.

Key words: sunflower, fertilizer, soil, yield, norm, effectiveness

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