Mehriban Məhəmməd qızı Təhməzova
Azərbaycan Dillər Universiteti
filologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru, dosent
[email protected]


Açar sözlər: terminlər, alınma sözlər, üsul, elm sahəsi, mənşə

The main features of the terms used in the Azerbaijani language

Today, the process of introducing terms from other languages into the literary language of Azerbaijan continues. It is necessary to be able to use these terms, which have entered our language since the beginning of the XXI century. Any lexical unit used in an inappropriate place can cause problems for the development of the language in which it is accepted and lead to certain problems. Thus, when terms from other languages enter our language, it is necessary to use them in full accordance with the rules and laws that exist in our language. One of the main points we will focus on here is responsibility in linguistics, to be more careful. Although the overuse of derivation terms is sometimes welcomed by people, it is completely contrary to scientific language. 

Key words: terms, borrowed words, method, science, origin

MƏQALƏNİ YÜKLƏ [141 Kb] (yüklənib: 26)

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