Gulnar Bandalizada
Scientific Research Institute of Medical Prevention
named after V. Y. Akhundov
Gulnara Aliyeva
Scientific Research Institute of Medical Prevention
named after V. Y. Akhundov
Yegana Abbasova
Scientific Research Institute of Medical Prevention
named after V. Y. Akhundov
Solmaz Aghayeva
Scientific Research Institute of Medical Prevention
named after V. Y. Akhundov
Sakina Bakhshiyeva
Scientific Research Institute of Medical Prevention
named after V. Y. Akhundov
Basic Principles of its Diagnosis and Prevention of Ascaridosis
in the Modern Era
Human helminthiasis is one of the urgent problems of medical science and practical healthcare. More than 90 % of parasitic diseases in humans are caused by helminthiasis. Among helminths, soil-transmitted helminths are of particular importance due to their widespread distribution and the role they play in human pathologies.
Ascaris lumbricoides is the most widespread helminth among soil-transmitted helminths. Ascariasis is widespread in all countries, as well as in Azerbaijan, according to the WHO, about 15 % of the world's population is infected with it. WHO has prepared a program for the control and prevention of soil-transmitted helminths for 2016-2020, taking into account the negative impact of this ascariasis on human pathology, especially in children and their widespread distribution not only in developing countries, but also in developed European regions. One of the main goals of this program is to eliminate ascariasis among schoolchildren in the European region by 2020.
The Republic of Azerbaijan is one of the regions where soil-transmitted helminths is widespread. Many scientific-research works on various aspects of ascariasis have been carried out at the Scientific-Research Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine in Azerbaijan.
Ascariasis infection causes nervous system and cognitive impairment, mental and physical weakness and growth retardation in children. In adults, in most cases, irritability, reduced work capacity, and sleep disturbances occur.
Even if children and adults do not have any clinical symptoms, ascariasis causes weight loss and some infectious diseases (dysentery, typhoid fever, etc.). Ascariasis leads to complications of pregnancy and other pathological changes. Mechanical or parenchymal jaundice can be observed in 65 % of patients with ascariasis. Therefore, it is very important to study the current situation of the and to implement effective prevention and control measures against it.
Keywords: helminthoses, soil-transmitted helminths, ascariasis, larvae, prevention