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Xanım  Rafiq qızı Məmmədova
ADİU nəzdində Sosial-İqtisadi Kollec


Açar sözlər: Müasir Azərbaycan dili, fel, məhsuldar şəkilçilər, qeyi- məsuldar şəkilçilər, dilçilik

Productive and non-productive suffixes that make verbs from nouns 
One of the urgent tasks is the suffixes that make verbs from nouns in the Azerbaijani language. In separate researchs and monographs the issue of “productive and non-productive suffixes that make verbs from nouns” has been investigated by turkologists and linguists.
While there is a regular attitude to the suffixes that form verbs from nouns, there is a double attitude to the suffixes that form verbs from verbs. The Azerbaijani language is very rich in verb suffixes. 
In our modern literary language, there are some unproductive and even to the archaic species that have disappeared by mixing with the roots of suffixes that make verbs from nouns.
Key words: Modern Azerbaijan language, verb, productive suffixes, unhealthy suffix, linguistics

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