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Səidə Novruz qızı Quliyeva
Azərbaycan Dövlət Mədəniyyət və İncəsənət Universiteti


Açar sözlər: arxiv, sənəd, qanunvericilik, informasiya, elektronlaşdırma

Problems of digitization of archival documents
In modern times, the digitization of archival documents is one of the most global problems in the field of archives. Modern sources of innovation in archival work are directly related to technological development in office work. Digitization of documents is the conversion of documents into electronic form. The main problems of electronic archives in modern times can be divided into several blocks. These include legal, organizational and technical issues. Sometimes there are appropriate technical solutions to problems, but they are not regulated by existing legislation. In modern times, the electronicization of archival documents remains the most pressing problem. Work is being done in this area both in our country and around the world.

Key words: archive, document, legislation, information, electrification 

Baxış: 735