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Aysel Rövşən qızı Baxşəliyeva
Azərbaycan Turizm və Menecment Universiteti


Açar sözlər: investsiya fəaliyyəti, iqtisadi qiymətləndirmə, dinamik göstəricilər, iqtisadi göstəricilər

İssues of assessing the investment climate in Azerbaijan
Our country, which is constantly developing economically and carrying out political reforms in parallel, thereby achieving a further increase in its international prestige. One of the important factors contributing to the regular strengthening of Azerbaijan's position in the international arena is the growing role of our country in the field of energy security, as well as its active investment policy. At present, our country is becoming one of the most advanced potential investors in the world. The number of foreign countries expecting to invest in Azerbaijan is constantly growing. Azerbaijan, which has great financial resources, has been investing in various foreign countries in recent years, provided that its interests are ensured.

Key words:  investment activity, economic assessment, dynamic indicators, economic indicators

Baxış: 647