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Suliddin Ağamalı oğlu Abbasov
Azərbaycan Dövlət Aqrar Universiteti
aqrar elmlər üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru
Səbuhi Nəbi oğlu Məmmədov
Azərbaycan Dövlət Aqrar Universiteti
texnika elmləri üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru


Açar sözlər: Balanslaşdırılmış yem, genotip, erkək, törəmə, böyümə, dəyişgənlik, məhsuldarlıq 

The effect of balanced feeding on the fertility of animals 
Positive results have been obtained in the implementation of our research at the Livestock and Equestrian Training Center of ADAU on the basis of the recipes we have envisaged, along with the strong feed component, the feed norm and the share of feed in the required norm. The introduction of fully balanced feedings based on recipes has affected the milk yield of animals, as well as the fertility of cows, in addition to strengthening the dynamics of growth and development of young. 
One of the most widely used premixes on our farm is Ruminant-5322 Ekomix BKB, which has a high efficiency with the following saturation. A premix is a complementary feed mixture that is necessary for its composition and body and is essential to create a fully balanced feed portion. Depending on the abundance of feed available on the farm, it is possible to maintain a complete diet depending on the physiological state of the animals. On the basis of this nutrition, the dynamics of the growth of young animals, the normal development of the child in the womb during the drying period and the formation of the mother's reproductive cycle on demand are determined.
Fertility activation is associated not only with the formation of 65 to 80 days in cows, but also with the stabilization of the follicles and the achievement of a form of superovulation. In our research, we found this not only in healthy cows, but also in cows that had difficult labor. Of the 18 cows on the farm, three gave birth to twins, which means that 16.7% of the cows gave birth to twins.
Key words: Balanced feed, genotype, male, offspring, growth, variability, productivity 

Baxış: 920