Təbiət və elm 2024
DOI: 10.36719/2707-1146/06/18-21
Dilarə Səfər qızı Marlamova
Bitki Mühafizə və Texniki Bitkilər Elmi Tədqiqat İnstitutu
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Bitki Mühafizə və Texniki Bitkilər Elmi Tədqiqat İnstitutu
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Bitki Mühafizə və Texniki Bitkilər Elmi Tədqiqat İnstitutu
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Bitki Mühafizə və Texniki Bitkilər Elmi Tədqiqat İnstitutu
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Bitki Mühafizə və Texniki Bitkilər Elmi Tədqiqat İnstitutu
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Açar sözlər:pambıq bitkisi, sort, bitki sıxlığı, gübrə norması, suvarma rejimi, optimal aqrotexnika, məhsuldarlıq
Influence of cultivation factors on productivity of cotton variety “Ganja-114”
Cotton is very valuable technical crop. This crop keeps its strategical significance still its cultivation.
Increasing productivity and improving its quality is a key factor for new certificated cotton varieties to remain in production for a long time. For this, it is important for each of the variety to have its own (according to its biological characteristics) fertilizer rate, plant density and irrigation regimes. That is, the incorrect application of these parameters has a negative impact on productivity. As a result, a variety that has been painstakingly created for many years may soon become extinct. For this purpose, in order to study the optimal agrotechnics of the newly certificated cotton variety “Ganja-114” the research work was carried out in Ganja-Kazakh region, at 2 plant densities 60x15-1 and 60x20-1, with 2 ferilizer norms N90P100, N120P100 kg of active substance and 2 irrigation regimes 65-65-65%; 70-70-65%. According to the results of the research work on average 34,5 cent. Of product was obtained from the mentioned variety, in 2018-2019 when N90P100 kg of active substance, 65-65-65% irrigation regime was applied at 60x15-1 plant densities.
Key words: cotton plant, variety, plant density, irrigation regime, optimal ag rotechnics, productiveness
Baxış: 753