Elmi iş - 2024
Aynur Əfsər qızı Quliyeva
Azərbaycan Dillər Universiteti
filologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru
Açar sözlər: eyham, bədii, mifik, danışıq dili, oxucu, tarixi
Literary device: allusion and its types
In this article, we explained to take a look at the meaning of allusion and how it can be used in both day to day conversation as well as how it can be used in literature. We enforced this understanding by taking a look at some examples of how allusion can be used in both of these contexts. In most cases, allusion is used to divert the mind to something which is not within the general context of the current conversation and is often left to the imagination of the listener or reader to create the reference for themselves. When used in writing, an allusion can make a piece appear less bland and much more artful creating a more interesting reading experience. Allusion can be used in both a conversational context or within written work as a literary device.
Key words: allusion, literary, mythical, figure of speech, reader, historical
Baxış: 900