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Rəvanə İbrahim qızı Abbasova
Bakı Dövlət Universiteti


Açar sözlər: II Qarabağ Müharibəsi, Forpost ölkə, Uğurlu strategiya, geosiyasi çəki, iqtisadi böhran, Geosiyasi səhnə, qlobal meyllər

Geopolitical situation in the South Caucasus
The article discusses the importance of geopolitical weight in modern times, provides information about the geopolitical landscape of the new era. The geopolitical realities of a number of processes taking place here are discussed in the interest of a number of countries in the Caucasus, both in and out of the region. It reflects the interests of Western countries in the region, as well as Azerbaijan's position in the Caucasus and the processes taking place there. Also touched upon the events that took place during the Second Karabakh War in 2020.

Key wordsII Karabakh War, Outpost country, Successful strategy, geopolitical weight, economic crisis, Geopolitical scene, qlobal trends

Baxış: 692