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Pərvanə İsmayıl qızı Paşayeva
Bakı Dövlət Universiteti
filologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru, baş müəllim


Açar sözlər: epos, mif, yasaq, oxşarlıq, qəhrəman, personaj

The problem of studying parallels in epical texts
The article raises the issue of comparative study on the basis of the epic rather than the different aspects of the epical texts belonging to different peoples and languages, and initially focuses on the issues of similarity and sameness.In epics, the probability of events, plots, characters, as well as similarities of stylistics to clarify the general linguocultural points is logically accepted.This aspect implies the study of the condition that creates the basis for the sameness and similarity in means of languages, textual units in epics.First of all, the nomination of mythological beings and expression ofsamenessfor their descriptions in linguistic means are studied.

Key words: epic, myth, ban, similarity, heroism, character

Baxış: 598