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Fatma Ağası qızı Əsədova
Bakı Slavyan Universiteti
fatya.asadova @
orcid id: 0000-0002-2586-9226


Açar sözlər: fəal təlim, qloballaşan dünya, təhsil islahatı, əməkdaşlıq, fərdiləşdirmə

Active training-as a requirement of educational reform

In every society, education has served ensuring the interests of the people as a social process. This is so because man is not for education, education is for man. The education reform implemented in the country is aimed at creating a National Education System and is based on the most preferred principles of democratization, humanization, integration, differentiation, individualization and a number of principles in modern times. The implementation of these principles implies that the student becomes a key participant in the educational process, forming him as a personality.
As time changes, so does the education system. Curricula, the content of education and training methods must also change. Active training methods are one of the most important training methods in the field of education in our globalized world.

Key words: active training, globalizing world, education reform, cooperation, individualization

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