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Cahangir Fəxrəddin oğlu Şükürov
Bakı Dövlət Universiteti


Açar sözlər: şəxsiyyətin eyniləşdirməsi, cinayətkar birlik, reper nöqtələri, informasiya texnologiyaları, fotomüqayisə metodu, cinayətlərin araşdırılması 

Computer photo imaging as one of the methods of identity identification
In modern times, the change and complication of the structure of crime and civil law relations is gaining special relevance due to the emergence of new forms and mechanisms for the commission of crimes and offenses based on the use of modern computers, information, industry and other high technologies.
One of the methods of identification is the identification of a person by a computer image and a vivid image and a skull. Determining the identity of an unknown person based on his skull is one of the most important issues in forensic medicine and criminology. Resolving this issue is of particular importance to the investigation and is usually the closest way to identifying the perpetrator or other circumstances.
In addition to general characteristics (race, race type, sex, age, neck length), physical characteristics, traces of trauma and medical intervention are identified to identify the skull skeleton, and when taken together, they can be characterized at the individual level. If the collection of genetic traits is based on objective information about the missing person, then the identity of the suspect can be proven. 
Key words: identity identification, criminal association, rapper points, information technologies, photo comparison method, investigation of crimes 

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