Elmi iş - 2024
Rəhim Məhəmməd oğlu Rəhimov
Azərbaycan Texniki Universiteti
texnika elmləri üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru, dosent
Ceyhun Telman oğlu Abdullayev
Azərbaycan Universiteti
Açar sözlər: temperatur vericisi, mikrokontroller, temperaturunun ölçülməsi, gərginlik çeviricisi, yeddi seqmentli indikator
Temperature measuring instruments on microcontrollers
Modern temperature measuring instruments are implemented on microcontrollers. In this case, the thermometer is used not only to measure the room temperature, but also to measure and regulate the temperature of water in incubators, refrigerators, aquariums, etc. Can be applied in places. Temperature measurement schemes are also built on modern chips and microcontrollers. Because these circuits have digital output, the measurement error is reduced. Here, the value of the sampling period is 2 seconds. Among these devices, we can also show an analog-to-digital converter with high traction capacity, which, when used in conjunction with a computer, has a sampling time of 30 ms. RT-type regulators are used to regulate the temperature in water and steam water heaters and refrigerators.
Key words: temperature transmitter, microcontroller, temperature measurement, voltage converter, seven-segment indicator
Baxış: 1044