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Flora Taghiyeva

Azerbaijan Medical University

Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine

Farhad Meybaliyev

Azerbaijan Medical University

Azima Shikhaliyeva

Azerbaijan Medical University

Zamina Huseynova 

Azerbaijan Medical University

Rafail Musayev 

Azerbaijan Medical University

Parasitology ‒ As an Important Scientific Field of Medicine


Medical parasitology is the science that studies human parasites, diseases caused by them, and measures to combat these diseases. Medical parasitology is an important part of the science of parasitology (which includes zooparasitology and phytoparasitology) and studies the causes, transmission, pathogenesis, clinic, epidemiology, immunology and treatment of parasitic diseases in humans, as well as ways of prevention and control of these diseases. Traditionally, parasitic diseases include diseases caused by protozoa (protozoa), diseases caused by helminths (helminthoses) and diseases caused by arthropods. One of the most important tasks facing parasitology is the development and implementation of scientific-based measures against diseases caused by parasites in order to protect people's health, protect agricultural animals and plants from various diseases.

Keywords: parasites, medical parasitology, helminthoses, protozoa, prevention

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