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Ətrabə Şiraslan qızı Cəfərova
Azərbaycan Dövlət Pedaqoji Universiteti Ağcabədi filialı


Açar sözlər: pedaqogika, didaktika, məktəb, müəllim, şagird, elm, təhsil, tərbiyə, peşəkarlıq

The role of the teacher in the organization of the pedaqogical proses
Pedagogical professional culture is an integral part of a teacher's general culture, which reflects his personal qualities, reputation, professionalism, pedagogical skills, etc. consists of a set of unifying qualities. Just as professional culture is not possible without a common culture, so the lack of a professional culture is the result of certain gaps in the general culture. Occupational culture can manifest itself in the conditions of realization of these professions, as each group of professions, object of work and subject of labor, which they include, have their own specific features. The tasks facing the profession also include the culture of the profession. In other words, professional culture manifests itself as a high level of fulfillment of the main tasks facing a particular profession or group of professions. If a professional, a specialist performs his / her professional duties professionally, with dignity and honesty, and approaches his / her work with a sense of responsibility for the work he / she performs and embodies himself / herself in this work, it is an indicator of a high level of professional culture. The pedagogical professional culture of a teacher occupies an important place among his professional qualities. Like its didactic, organizational, communicative, constructive, perspective skills and abilities, the pedagogical professional culture has a special role in the field of professionalism, competence and pedagogical skills.

Key words: pedagogy, didactics, school, teacher, student, science, education, upbringing, professionalism

Baxış: 727