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Chilanay Ibrahimova

Nakhchivan Agricultural Scientific Research Institute 

named after Hasan Aliyev

Gulgaz Kazimova

Nakhchivan Agricultural Scientific Research Institute 

named after Hasan Aliyev

Mahir Nuriyev

Nakhchivan Agricultural Scientific Research Institute

 named after Hasan Aliyev


Quality Indicators of Seed Received From Buffalo Breeders at the Artificial Insemination Center of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic


The main objective of the study is to investigate and determine the factors affecting the productivity of the seed obtained from buffalo germplasm. In the research work, different factors affecting the productivity of the seed were identified. These are genotype, fodder and feeding systems, buffalo feeding.

Keywords: buffalo, germ, artificial insemination, seed, Nakhchivan

Baxış: 78