Elmi iş - 2024
Nübar Yahyabala qızı Bağıyeva
Azərbaycan Dövlət Rəssamlıq Akademiyası
Açar sözlər: Məmmədhüseyn Hüseynov, təsviri incəsənət , elmi tədqiqat, xalça sənəti, rəngkarlıq
Creativity of carpet artist Mammadhuseyn Huseynov
Azerbaijani carpet weaving as a highly developed field of culture has been formed for many centuries, and our people have come a long way in this field. Our carpet weaving art is further developed with the examples of craftsmanship created by modern carpet artists. Carpet weaving requires all-round talent and hard work. Mammadhuseyn Huseynov is an outstanding artist who preserves the subtleties of carpet art, enriches it even more, and creates colorful national patterns, shades of color, various compositions and plots on the carpet. Each of the works created by the artist is characterized by a rich color scheme, a unique method of processing and artistic expressiveness. He defined his style by creatively continuing his art style, which consisted of a palette of colorful colors, and enriching it with new shades. Mammadhuseyn Huseynov's activities in the fields of research books, painting, carpets and tapestries are always in the spotlight.
Key words: Mammadhuseyn Huseynov, fine art, the research carpet art, painting
Baxış: 900