Təbiət və elm 2024
DOI: 10.36719/2707-1146/06/75-80
Jalə Hidayət qızı Ələsgərova
Bakı Dövlət Universiteti
kiçik elmi işçi
Açar sözlər: Xəzər şirbiti, embrional, postembrional, çoxalma, inkişaf
Characterıstıcs of the embrional development perıod Aral barbel
A positive effect in the development of biotechnology for industrial fish breeding is possible only on the basis of knowledge of their biological characteristics at various stages of ontogenesis, among which embryonic development takes the most important place. It is on the results of the incubation of eggs that the further population size of the species in nature and the number of fish farmed in artificial conditions depend.
It is known that the temperature regime is a very important ecological factor regulating the spawning of coregonids. However, if the temperature value during the spawning period does not take optimal values, as is often the case when Aral barbel are kept outside their natural range, then the influence of other environmental factors increases. In our opinion, the most significant of these factors is the photoperiod, under the influence of which the nelma producers are able to mature normally at a temperature higher than in the parent reservoir.
The study of the embryonic development of nelma was carried out on living material by lateral microscopy.
Key words: Aral barbel, embryonic, postembryonic, reproduction, development
Baxış: 728