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Aybəniz Şahin qızı Paşayeva
ADPU Ağcabədi filialı


Açar sözlər: ideya-fəlsəfi istiqamət, B.Vahabzadə yaradıcılığı, bədii fəlsəfi düşüncə

Idea-philosophical direction, B.Vahabzade's creativity, artistic and philosophical thinking
The article extensively comments on Vahabzadeh's idea of Azerbaijanism during the Soviet era, his desire to see Azerbaijan as one. The Karabakh fire and the January 20 tragedy came to the fore. By emphasizing all this, the content, ethical, moral and artistic philosophical essence of the subject is clarified. The article notes the unity of Azerbaijan, the protests against the Russian Empire and the Soviet regime, which divided our country in two. It also expressed confidence that future generations would be free. The article approaches the topic of history in Vahabzadeh's work from a new perspective. The young generation got acquainted with the historical events related to our past in the poet's work. The article comprehensively analyzes the tragic events that befell our people and homeland.
Key words: idea-philosophical direction, B.Vahabzade's creativity, artistic and philosophical thinking 

Baxış: 631