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Xəfayət Müzəffər qızı Əliyeva
Naxçıvan Dövlət Universiteti


Açar sözlər: Mövlana Cəlaləddin Rumi, Mövlana Cəlaləddin Rumi yaradıcılığında tətbiq olunan tərbiyə üsulları, vasitə və üsullar, söz və sözün qüdrəti, ədəb qaydaları 

A look at the means and methods of the educational process in the works of Jalaladdin Rumi
For the first time the essence, components, means and methods of upbringing - the main base of creativity of Mevlana Jalaladdin Rumi became the object of analysis and research in the article . It is noted that Mevlana skillfully used in educational work such methods as moral conversations, examples, recommendations, advice, praise, applause, instructions, persuasion and training, encouragement and punishment, which are widely used in educational work. He protudes from a unified position, considering it is necessary to adhere to unity in terms of eliminating the contradictions that appear in this process. It also emphasizes that the exemplary life path of the prophets, imams and Sufis had such a great influence on Mevlana's personal life that he became an example for his students and the Turkic peoples in general and had a great positive impact on their upbringing. It is an indisputable fact that Mevlana not only expressed his thoughts, instructing those who were around him (his sons Sultan Veled, Alaaddin, Amir Alim Chelebi and daughters Maliku, Kimya and others), but he also served as an example with his behavior and life style.
Key words: Mevlana Jalaladdin Rumi; educational methods used in the works of Mevlana Jalaladdin Rumi; means and methods, Word and the power of the word; rules of etiquette.

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