Elmi iş - 2024
Aytac İlham qızı Cəfərova
Bakı Dövlət Universiteti
Açar sözlər:konosament, məsuliyyət, beynəlxalq daşıma, yüklərin dənizlə daşınması, Hamburq qaydaları, qanunvericilik, konvensiya normaları, Rotterdam qaydaları, hüquq
The concept and basis of responsibility in international cargo transportation by sea
The article examines the concept and basis of responsibility in international sea freight. The relations arising in international cargo transportation by sea have a direct impact on the subject area of the institution of responsibility in this area. First of all (prima facie), the carrier and the consignor have mutual rights and obligations. However, the legal relationship between the consignee and the consignor also affects the legal relationship with the carrier, and the carrier acts as the main subject of the relevant liability. Accompanying the guilty and innocent carrier in international cargo transportation by sea is the responsibility. In both cases, the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan contains appropriate forms of liability. However, there is a need in the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan to bring absolute or objective responsibility in line with international law. In particular, the liability provisions of the legislation on sea freight must include an "institution of liability", formed in accordance with the "immunity catalog" or "exclusion catalog". In this case, the carrier is absolutely responsible for everything that does not belong to the "immunity catalog", and the problem of liability for guilt is not the subject of discussion.
Key words: conosament, liability, international carriage, carriage of goods by sea, Hamburg rules, legislation, conventions norms, Rotterdam Rules, law
Baxış: 946