Samadagha Rizvanli

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University



Medical Foundations of Emergencies and Life Safety



Recent years, the issue of ensuring human safety has become acute. This is because in recent times, when science and technology have developed rapidly, the number of accidents and natural disasters in industry, transport and other areas has increased significantly. One of the main tasks of the medical foundations of emergency situations and the safety of life is to ensure safety by searching for new directions for ensuring the safety of people in various conditions of life. In modern times, people suffer most from the dangers created by themselves, and not from the one-time losses of scientific research.

Medical events in emergency situations are such a situation that, as a result of the emergence of a source, the normal living and working conditions of people in a certain area are disrupted, there is a threat of the spread of infectious diseases, and there is a threat of the destruction of agricultural animals and plants. Infectious diseases have accompanied man since the moment he separated from the animal world and formed as a species. As society was formed and the social lifestyle of man developed, many infections became widespread.

Infectious diseases spread continuously among people. Their increase leads to economic losses and disruption of the epidemic situation in the country. It is known that microorganisms have the ability to reproduce very quickly, they have a high ability to change, adapt, and are resistant to external pressures. The widespread spread of infectious diseases at all times has resulted in the death of millions of people, and has also been the main reason for the shortening of human life. Infectious diseases are a large group of human diseases caused by pathogenic viruses, bacteria, and protozoa. There are a high level of technogenic hazards in the Republic of Azerbaijan, which are considered the main sources of various types of emergencies.

Keywords: medicine, emergencies, health, human, safety, life

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