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Nəzrin Novruz qızı Məmmədova
Azərbaycan Dövlət Rəssamlıq Akademiyası


Açar sözlər: Əzim Əzimzadə, Mirzə Ələkbər Sabir, kitab illüstrasiyaları, “Hophopnamə”,  Azərbaycan satirik qrafikası

Azim Azimzada’s attitude towards poetry of Mirza Alakbar Sabir
The heritage that Mirza Alakbar Sabir left for us has always been a source of inspiration for creative people throughout ages. People who are engaged in fine art have always highly appreciated this work too. It requires too much responsibility to address Mirza Alakbar Sabir’s poetry, one of the most famous literary figures in world literature. As if the artists who addressed this patriotic writer’s poetry, feel the poet and created unique works with an inspiration that they got from him. It is undeniable that Azim Azimzada played a vital role in publicity of Mirza Alakbar Sabir’s poetry. Azim Azimzada’s all illustrations are engraved in people’s memory. Average spectators can perceive artist’s illustrations too. By looking through illustrations, it is possible to guess almost all poems that they are dedicated to. Educating people who are indifferent to education and waking them up from this ignorance was Azim Azimzada’s main goal. Artist’s illustrations differentiate with its harsh ironic spirit which is the main peculiarity of Sabir’s poetry. We can definitely see the strong influence of Sabir’s poetry in Azim Azimzada’s works. This is the reason why Azim Azimzada is usually called as Sabir of fine art. Literary approach of artists towards Sabir’s poetry has still been ongoing so far. Addressing Sabir’s poetry by most artists is the sign of love, respect and curiosity to Sabir’s works and life. 
Key words: Mirza Alakbar Sabir, book illustrations, Azim Azimzade, “Hophopname”, Azerbaijani graphic art, master of caricature 

Baxış: 674