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Günel Fariz qızı Zamanova
Bakı Dövlət Universiteti


Açar sözlər: hava gəmisi, aviasiya, qaçırma, Yaxın və Orta Şərq, beynəlxalq konvensiya, terror aktı, beynəlxalq terrorizm.

İnvestigation methods of aircraft seizure
The seizure of aircraft has become one of the threats of modern times. The growing number of such crimes in the world has made it necessary to regulate them by the norms and principles of international law. In the middle of the last century, civilian aircraft attacks were seen as non-political motives, mainly for personal gain or to escape from the hands of law enforcement agencies, but especially in the 21st century. From the beginning of 2001 alone to September 11, 2001, there were about 40 such incidents worldwide. However, with the events of September 11, the hijacking of a civilian aircraft and its use as a destructive weapon was a first in history. The main purpose of such cases is to influence certain political decisions by creating fear in society. It was after these events that the political and legal cooperation of the states in the name of combating international terrorism accelerated.
Key words: aircraft, aviation, hijacking, the Middle East, international convention, terrorist act, international terrorism 

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