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AMEA Hüquq və İnsan Haqları İnstitutu


Açar sözlər: informasiya, təhsil, distant, texnologiya, virtual

Issues of legal provision of distance education in the education system
of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Modern information civilization accelerates various social processes, changes the priority of values and role functions of social groups in a society whose main capital is education, knowledge and human intelligence. It is no coincidence that educational processes increasingly cover the population, changing the target orientation-from the paradigm of knowledge to the creative intellectual orientation due to the introduction of various learning technologies, including distance learning.
For the successful functioning and long-term development of an educational institution, first of all, it is necessary to develop innovative technologies for the formation of students as professionally competent and highly qualified specialists in the learning process. The peculiarity of distance education is its ability to meet its needs, on the one hand, due to the mobile, virtual form of education, and on the other-the demand of society for the system of continuing education in connection with the need to constantly improve the level of education. 
The development of such an independent form of education, carried out through the Internet and other information technologies, contributes to the expansion of the potential of the educational process (introduction of new forms and information technologies into the educational process, organization and development of a unified educational environment), opens up new horizons for people with disabilities, erases the territorial boundaries of access to educational organizations.

Key words: information, education, distance, technology, virtual

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