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Natiq Elməddin oğlu İbrahimov
Baki Dövlət Universiteti


Açar sözlər: kommersiya sirri, əqli mülkiyyət hüququ, Azərbaycan qanunvericiliyi, mülki hüquq, Çar Russiyası (Rus İmperiyası), SSRİ, Azərbaycan SSR

History of development of commercial secrets in the Azerbaijan legal system

The process of gaining the importance of commercially important information in civil circulation has come a long way. The protection and disclosure of commercial secrets, which are among the objects of intellectual property, are becoming increasingly important for the legislation of Azerbaijan. The historical development of commercial secrets in Azerbaijan is closely related to the legislation of the Russian Empire. This was due to historical events. The history of the development of commercial secrets in Azerbaijan can be divided into several stages. The first stage is the feudal period, state structure and legal regulation of this period. The second period covers the period from 1861 to 1917. The third period covers the period from 1917 to 1991. The fourth period covers the period after 1991, the "restoration of capitalism". Nowdays, the protection of commercial secrets comes to the fore in connection with the relevance of globalization, integration and dynamic development of information resources, as well as the emergence of new obstacles and difficulties in legal regulation.

Key words: commercial secrets, intellectual property law, Azerbaijani legislation, civil law, Tsarist Russia (Russian Empire), USSR, Azerbaijan SSR

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