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Qalibə Əli qızı Hacıyeva
Naxçıvan Dövlət Universiteti
filologiya  üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru, dosent


Açar sözlər: Azərbaycan, Türk, onomastika, Kimmer, Qəmərli, etnonim, toponim

Historical traces of Cımmerıans in Azerbaijani-Turkic onomastics
Ethnonyms and historical-geographical names that reflect the names of these ethnoses are also part of the language's interesting vocabulary groups. Without etnonyms or toponyms, it is impossible to get detailed information about the formation of any people. That is why ethnotoponyms in the onomastic system of language are considered to be the oldest lexical units. It is clear from the studies that the history of the origin of many ethnotoponyms belonging to the Turkic language is older than the history of written monuments belonging to this language. Each nation has given its name to the geographical objects since its formation, or named them with words belonging to its own language. As a result, each toponym, is a product of a certain period and keeps the traces of history. Avshar, Az, Alpout, Bayat, Bayandir, Cagatay, Chepni, Chinchavat, Chul, Khalaj, Khurs, Kulus, Kechili, Kangar, Mugan, Garakhanli, Kipchak, Padar, Pechenek, Turkesh, Sag, Sungur, Suvar, Oguz, Uz and hundreds of other such ethnotoponyms bear traces of ancient time in the modern stage of Azerbaijan toponymy.. Among these ethnotoponyms, the Cimmerians // Gamarli tribe is one of the tribes that bear the traces of history in Azerbaijani-Turkic onomastics as both ethnotoponyms (Gamardash-mountain in Lachin region; Gamarvan-village in the administrative-territorial unit of Gabala region; Gamarvan - river in Gabala region, Gamarli-region in Armenia) and anthroponyms (Gamar - person's name; Gamarli-surname).

Key words: Azerbaijan, Turkic, onomastics, Cimmerians, Gamarli, ethnonym, toponym

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