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Emil Eyyub oğlu Cavadov
DTX-nin Heydər Əliyev adına Akademiyası


Açar sözlər: kriminalistika, diaqnostika, məhkəmə, ekspertiza, identifikasiya

Fundamentals of criminal diagnosis

The great interest of criminologists in diagnostic problems is due to the fact that diagnostics plays a special role in the evidentiary process both in criminal and civil cases. Forensic diagnostics has already become a scientific method for determining objective truth in criminal and civil cases, proving the presence or absence of certain facts. In investigative and judicial practice, investigative actions are often carried out in connection with the identification of objects. For example, identification of a person, corpse, or object. Most of them are forensic medical examinations related to identification.
Forensic experts conduct identification and give critical opinions in a criminal case to solve a crime and identify the culprit.
Forensic diagnostics training is of general theoretical importance for forensic medicine. At the same time, it is of great importance for the evidence-based theory of criminal justice. Forensic diagnostics finds its practical application at all stages of the investigation, that is, it is necessary and widely used at all stages of the collection of evidence.

Key words: Forensics, diagnostics, forensic science, expertise, identification

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