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Рана Юсупбаевна Мадаминова
Бердақ номидаги Қорақалпоқ Давлат Университети
Нукус, Озбекистон


Калит сўзлар: адабий тил, шева, ареал, махаллий тил, қиёсий-тарихий тамойиллар, грамматик шакл, илмий тасниф 

Some lexical features of dialectal zones in Karakalpakstan

From the above it can be concluded that the influence of regional dialects in one area is an important factor in the development of the lexicon of Uzbek dialects. Such influence and lexical nourishment may be somewhat more intense in Uzbek dialects that are far from the literary center and surrounded by or familiar with other languages. It goes without saying that such connections cannot be made directly between different dialect regions that are far apart in terms of area. Because each or each group of Uzbek dialects has its own unique and appropriate distribution areas for a long time. Part of the peculiarities of the Dialect trail is related to this boundary, their distribution, location - area, which appeared and developed only in this area. 
In addition, as a result of observing the dialects of the area, a dialect area may not always be a constant latitude, but may cover a dialect, a village or several villages in the area.
So, we have seen that the Uzbeks living in Karakalpakstan use words and phrases typical of the Kipchak and Yuguz dialects. Dialectal area covers very large areas. In general, it shows that the Turkic peoples are blood relatives and brothers.

Key words: literary language, dialect, area, local language, comparative historical foundations, grammatical form, scientific classification

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