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AMEA Şərqşünaslıq İnstitutu


Açar sözlərAvropa İttifaqı, Cənubi Qafqaz, Mərkəzi Asiya, əməkdaşlıq mexanizmləri, iqtisadiyyat və siyasət

Mechanisms for Cooperation of the European Union

The article deals with mechanisms for cooperation of the European Union with nations considered from the scientific point of' view. The author analyzes the details of the European Union technical assistance program for CIS couintries, its aims and positions in the frame of TACIS.
Each candidate country that intends to get European Union membership has to follow the common principle and standards. But sometimes in addition to the membership obligations EU member states attitude to the candidate countries may playe great role to get the final result. The article analyzes different European countries attitude to Turkey’s membership as one of the barriers that Turkey faces in the frame of Turkey integration policy to EU.
This is explained by the complexity of project co-ordination between the countries in the region, and the economic and political systems in transition countries.
Thus, the desire of the commission to use the TACIS program as a tool for regional co-operation and the settlement of existing conflicts corresponds to the existing reality. İn this context, the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan is a clear example of TACIS programs. The expansion of the Armenian TACIS program to Nagorno-Karabakh has been denied by the European Union as it has no consensus by the Azerbaijani government.

Key words: European Union, South Caucasus, Central Asia, cooperation mechanisms, economy, politics

MƏQALƏNİ YÜKLƏ [155,37 Kb] (yüklənib: 28)

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