Elmi iş - 2024
Sabina Əzim qızı Əzimova
Azərbaycan Turizm və Menecment Universiteti
Açar sözlər: Ailə yaşı, uşaq istismarı, psixososial aspektlər
Psychosocial consequences of early marriages
One of the most common forms of child exploitation in the world is early marriage. Although the number of underage marriages has declined to some extent, it continues to rise in a number of countries. Early marriage usually means the marriage of a child under the age of 18. Many of these marriages are also referred to as "child and forced marriages" because they are performed without conscious consent. Early marriage separates children from their families and peers, exposes them to domestic violence, and jeopardizes their development, educational, social and professional opportunities. Such marriages can also lead to psychological problems such as depression, adaptation disorders, post-traumatic stress, and suicide attempts. This review article aims to assess the causes and psychosocial consequences of early marriage.
Key words: Family age, child exploitation, psychosocial aspects
Baxış: 812