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Gültəkin Ağacan qızı Əliyeva
Bakı Slavyan Unversiteti
filologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru, dosenti


Açar sözlər: B.Vahabzadə, sərbəst şeir, struktur, məna, üslub, təzad

Meaning and stylistic means  of Bakhtiyar Vahabzade's free rhymed poetry
The article analyzes the free rhymed poetry of Bakhtiyar Vahabzade, a prominent representative of XXth  century Azerbaijani poetry, in terms of meaning and stylistic nuances. It is noted that free rhymed poetry once again entered the stage of self-affirmation in the 50s, which began to decline in the literary environment in the late 30s,. At that time, B.Vahabzadeh began to express himself both in syllables and free rhyme. Starting from the first examples of creativity, the poet increased the journalistic tone in the way of purification and formation of the national consciousness, inspirinig  new artistic and aesthetic qualities. One of the main qualities of the poet's poetry is that philosophical shades are expressed in the context of Man and time. At the same time, contrast and contrastivity  have enriched the originality and stylistic possibilities of his free rhymed poems. Associative perception and poetic capacity of thought are among the factors ensuring the originality of B.Vahabzadeh's free rhymed poetry. These stylistic enrichments also play an important role in shaping the development of Azerbaijani free rhymed  poetry. The stylistic richness of the poet's free rhymed   poetry creates wide opportunities for the description and philosophical understanding of life and world events.
Key words: B.Vahabzade, free rhymed  poetry, structure, meaning, style, contrast

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