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Mövsüm Elçin oğlu Cahangirov
Azərbaycan Turizm və Menecment Universiteti


Açar sözlər: Gəncə, Göygöl, turizm, inkişaf, turizmin inkişafı, tarixi turizm, tarixi-mədəni amillər, iqlim

Historical and cultural conditions for the development of tourism in Ganja and Goygol
Tourism is one of the leading non-oil sectors in the field of tourism. Applied tourism is one of the fastest growing business sectors on a global scale. International tourism accounts for a significant portion of the world's gross domestic product, as well as a significant percentage of exports. A certain part of the world's able-bodied citizens are engaged in the tourism industry and related fields. These processes taking place in the world have affected the United States. If Azerbaijan's tourism is taken from the time of independence to the present day, it can be considered the future young, but the history of tourism traditions in our republic is quite old. Our great leader Heydar Aliyev, who has rendered invaluable services in all spheres in our country, has made great contributions to the development of tourism. It covers the years 1970-1980 as the development of tourism in Azerbaijan, the expansion of the geography of tourism and excursions. Were it not for the national leader Heydar Aliyev's special attention and care for tourism, we would not have such a developed tourism sector today.
Key words: Ganja, Goygol, tourism, development, tourism development, historical tourism, historical and cultural factors, climate 

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