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Mehriban Oktay qızı Məmmədova
Gəncə Dövlət Universiteti
filologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru, baş müəllim


Açar sözlər: parselyasiya, parselyat, informativlik, konstruksiya, norma, nitq mədəniyyəti, nitq aktı

Parseling as emotional and image making norms
The emotional and figurative norms of sentence members have different features, which also have a special place among the syntactic norms. Means of expression such as members, repetitions, parallels, parse, inversion, rhetoric are considered to be the emotional and figurative norms of sentence members. Among these units, which create emotional and figurative, parcel is distinguished by a number of features. Parselation is the transmission of the main idea in laconic parts. Parcels, which are considered to be one of the most important issues of modern syntax, are found in literary, scientific and journalistic works as a linguistic-stylistic phenomenon. The term parcel, translated as parcel, comes from French literary criticism. By means of parallelization, the text is divided into short thought units, so that the writer can draw the reader's attention to an important issue. Parallels are distinguished by punctuation in writing and intonation and pause in speech.
Key words: parselation, parcel, informative, construction, norm, speech culture, speech act

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